Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Arriving at the Interview

Be prepared with pen, notebook or portfolio with paper, several résumé copies and a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewer.

Also, be flexible when the format of the interview changes to include others in a group or additional 1:1 sessions. Embrace the change and show your ability to adapt to unscheduled adjustment.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Yes, you say right: - “Be prepared with pen, notebook or portfolio with paper, several résumé copies and a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewer.” And on the interview, you have to be kind and have to remember about your body language this make a great impression. Be ready for the questions from the interviewers - your answers should be concise and consistent. You should clearly know what your resume is about. A professional resume is a very important document in your career. And I think it's better to find a professional help in writing an effective resume. I don’t like to spend much time in researching the best resume company and in one place I found the best resume writing services on the Resume Rates platform so I just can compare them and make my choice.