Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Job Rejection

Many points to ponder about Job Rejection. One to be mindful of:

1. Did you have the actual requirements for the position. Be honest, were you overqualified? underqualified? correct cultural fit?

If you have seen a pattern in your jobs that you have received rejection letter, adjust your expectations and hone in on the qualifications that make you a legitimate candidate.

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1 comment:

Mabel Ho said...

Don’t be afraid to fight for what you want. Potential employers are able to spot persistence from a mile away. The ability to remain steadfast when faced with adversity is a sign of a great employee. Don’t hesitate to send an email response, or even a text message, to ask why you were rejected and if there are other more appropriate jobs within the company that you can apply to instead. Read more: how to overcome the devastating impact of a job application rejection