Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Help the Inexperienced Professionals.

Last night, I was an invited speaker at prominent private university in the Bay Area (USF) . The business students I spoke to were focused, attentive and dedicated to learning and establishing themselves in a career of their choice. I have done speaking engagements before; always a fantastic experience.

In my line of work, I come across many students and young professionals who are trying to find their way. Many have not been taught basic writing skills (they speak and write in “.txt talk”), how to handle themselves in a professional work environment or how to interact with experienced people. THEY REALLY WANT TO SUCCEED, but have not been taught how to become successful. The academic world has failed them. They need mentors.

I know many of you are too busy to be a mentor. However, if you see a young professional who is obviously struggling, pull them to the side (privately) and give them two (2) minutes of your time. Point out a deficiency and a solution. The satisfaction that you will feel will be priceless; trust me, they will be very appreciative.

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