Friday, July 26, 2024

Labor Management Relations

 Labor Management Relations in this country are at it's lowest point since I began my career.  Ageism, WFH, Wall Street and the tech environment in general are all major factors in the disengagement between management and staff.  The trickle down effect is low confidence of the worker.

American workers are feeling more and more pessimistic about their career prospects, according to LinkedIn’s latest Workforce Confidence survey. Workers’ confidence in their ability to progress in their careers over the next year has fallen by 5 points since the start of the year (from +29 to +24, on a scale from -100 to +100). That’s the lowest level since the survey began in 2020. The drop is particularly pronounced for men, the survey shows, even though they have historically reported higher confidence levels than women.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Salary Negotiation "The Counteroffer" -

 Salary Negotiation "The Counteroffer" -

A salary counter offer is an offer provided by a candidate in response to an initial salary offer by an employer. Candidates are likely to counter offer if they believe the original salary offer does not match their measured value and needs as an employee.

In order to prepare a proper counter offer, ask for 48 hours to respond. Then do your research about comparable jobs in your industry and local geographic area. and can help as well as several federal government employment resources.

Once you have your numbers, then you need to substantiate why you deserve the raise. I will go into greater detail in my next post.


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Monday, July 22, 2024

Quote for Today.


  • “Someday is not a day of the week.” — Janet Dailey

Professional Development

 Professional development courses hold considerable weight, esp. for older workers who need to show that their skills are applicable for today's job market.

I recommend to all professionals to take 1- 2 training classes per year and had these classes (and dates) to your resume. After all, you do not want to be viewed as "ancient" or "out of touch".

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 This morning's quote:

A micromanager is someone you pay to watch your best performers walk out the door - "Unknown"


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Embedded Charts / Tables / Logos / Multi-Column Formats

 Embedded Charts / Tables / Logos / Multi-Column Formats

(All a "No" for the ATS)

While visually appealing, embedded images as well as table, graphics, logos and multiple columns can cause problems with most Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), causing a lower score in the algorithm and possible disqualification.


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Monday, July 15, 2024

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

 Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

By federal law (42 U.S. Code § 2000e-2) allows for an employer to discriminate against employees and potential employees "on the basis of his religion, sex, or national origin in those certain instances where religion, sex, or national origin is a BFOQ reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise." For example, a bona fide occupational qualification could be made that a priest must be Catholic. Race and color, however, are never bona fide occupational qualifications. 

What the statute above does not elaborate on is that unless you are a model, actor / actress, etc., no matter good looking you may be, it is not a BFOQ for employment. In fact, many employers will automatically disqualify a candidate if a picture is on the resume.

In short, keep your picture off the resume.


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Listing Technology Skills on Your Resume:

 Listing Technology Skills on Your Resume:

There seems to be a school of thought that it is no longer important to list your technical skills, especially the main stream skill (i.e. MS Office; Google Workspace, proficient in Windows and / or Mac) on your resume.

I take the opposite viewpoint. If the job description says "proficient in MS Office", then include it on the resume in your "Technology Snapshot". In this this case, the employer lists this for a reason - it is a requirement of the job. They do not want Apple or Google - centric users. The ATS will pick up MS Office. Therefore, do not roll your eyes and say "every 10 year old knows Microsoft products...", just include it on your resume so it gets acknowledged by the ATS.


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Keep your "Business" and "Personal" separate.

 Keep your "Business" and "Personal" separate. In short, leave "hobbies" and personal affiliations (i.e. worship, politics, race) off the resumes. Not only do these inclusions rarely relate to job qualifications, it can also lead to discrimination and disqualification from further consideration. Furthermore, this content can take up valuable space that could be used to highlight more relevant skills and experiences.


Looking for a new career position or guidance about best practices for job search, including how to handle ATS? If you have a moment, please review and follow my updated Instagram account:

Friday, July 12, 2024

Elements that you should NEVER include on your Resume.

 Elements that you should NEVER include on your Resume.

Skill Dots

Using skill dots or bars to rate your proficiency in various skills is not something I would ever recommended. Why? Several reasons:

1. Those pretty little dots will block the applicant tracking systems (ATS).

2. Why rate yourself? You can set yourself up for disqualification. It is silly when you really think about it.

3. Whatever value you think you are getting from "visual appeal" is far outweighed by #1 and #2.

Enough said...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quote - Complacency

 Complacency -  

‘I think it’s dangerous to think that you’re successful, because then you become complacent.’ – Tommy Hilfiger

This ties back to that mask of success over failure. At first glance, success and failure are polar opposites. But if you think about it, this isn’t necessarily the case. It’s complacency that blurs the line between the two.

At one moment, you might feel very successful and happy with what you’ve achieved. But at the same time, failure might be creeping in without you realizing. You might feel like your achievements are so big that nothing can threaten them.

It’s this mindset that makes even the most successful organizations fall down.

There’s always something you can do to take your success further. That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship – where the sky is the limit. No matter what you’ve achieved, always be on the lookout for new opportunities.

Stop resting on your past successes. Start building new success stories. Never rest on your laurels...I see it all the time. In short - complacency is the beginning of rot.


SPECIAL NOTE: I am now taking on speaking engagements to groups as well as accepting invitations to critique resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles at trade shows, workshops, seminars and various other events. Please contact me via or 415.519.9659 for more details.


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