One Reason to Job Hop - Career Advancement
Another advantage of job hopping is the opportunity for career advancement. At times, as you climb the company pyramid, you get "dead-ended" and you cannot advance. This happens because those of higher ranking are not ready for retirement, are firmly entrenched and not moving anywhere (up, down or lateral) or lack the flexibility to fulfill their own ambitions. (I will elaborate on this issue in future posts).
Changing jobs can allow you to pursue a higher-level job with more pay, prestigious, responsibility as well as improved career opportunities. It can also grant you opportunities to learn new skills, gain practical experience and expand your responsibilities. Changing jobs can help you advance your career more quickly, especially if there's limited potential for growth in your current role or if you had a late start to your career and are playing "catch-up".
SPECIAL NOTE: I am now taking on speaking engagements to groups as well as accepting invitations to critique resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles at trade shows, workshops, seminars and various other events. Please contact me via for more details.
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