Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Networking - There is a Difference

Networking is the best way to find a new position.  It takes effort but most of the good things in life do not come easy.

Make your job search more efficient.  Recognize that you have two (2) networks and there is a distinct difference between the two groups (note, just because they will overlap on LinkedIn or Plaxo does not mean the hold the same level of importance):

1. Close colleagues and confidantes
2. Vendors, co-workers, industry contact, recruiters

Treat the two groups differently.  Craft a note to each group.  Send the note by email to each contact (LinkedIn email servers are OK for individual email, horrible for bulk campaigns).  The note should clearly state your goals and intentions.  Keep to 4 - 5 lines and remind them of the confidential nature of the situation.


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Anonymouse said...

Amazing post, Networking is the main things to continue their study. A hopeful must consider the innovative work part of the affiliation. Along these lines dependably check it for his lord preparing in light of the way that it is basic to give the constructive result to the business.