Monday, August 12, 2024

Embracing Career Changes and Challenges.

 I wrote this to a old old friend (a high school teammate) of mine.  I hope you can read, translate to your situation / your friend's / family member's situation and adapt accordingly.


Embracing Career Changes and Challenges.

"You can sell ice to an eskimo with your experience but you MUST change your perspective and tactics. Look in other industries for SALES / CUSTOMER SUCCESS JOBS. Many of these jobs can be done remotely. The old verticals are in the past. They want young hunters. It sucks but that is the way it is. Think of three industries (B2B or B2C that interest you). 

If you think you can continue to do the same thing year after year, you are way off!!!  That is not how life works!  I KNOW you reboot your career but you cannot stay in the same industry. It sucks but life happens to all of us. I changed careers because I would have went PSYCHO on several idiots in web publishing. It is a dirty game and I hated it. I found my way, Marcus found his way, Pete found his way. Matt found his way and you will too if you think outside your comfort zone.

1. Car Sales

2. Truck Sales

3. Corporate Ticket Sales

4. High End Retail Sales

All of the above are just examples.

As for LI, these people are for networking only. Not friends or confidants. Delete all personal posts. Keep your business and personal separate.  

There are a ton of jobs out there in your field- many are remote. Think outside the box.  You can find your way, maybe not make the $$$ your did in the past but it can lead to better opportunities, even at 63. If you have to take 2 part-time jobs, so be it.   It is OK. We all have been through a ton of crap in every phase of the game. Don't worry about what others think! I don't care what anybody thinks about me anymore. Nor should you.

In the interim, take some LinkedIn certification courses (related to your career) and add to the resume. STAY RELEVANT!!!!

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