Monday, February 24, 2014

Job Offers

When you get your job offer, remember to handle the following outstanding issues:

Ask for the offer in writing. Always, always, always get every detail of a job offer in writing, if you want those details to be respected.

Ask any outstanding questions you have in your head. If you don't feel like you have a good understanding of the manager, the culture, or the expectations of the job, now is the time to ask. 

Negotiate. Unless you've already talked about salary earlier on and indicated you'd be happy with what what's now being offered, it's always worth it to try to negotiate for a bit more money at this stage.

Ask for time to think it over if you're not 100 percent sure. Any reasonable company will give you a few days or a week to think it over. And if they balk at even a few days, that's a huge red flag.

Listen to your gut. Unless your gut often steers you wrong, you should listen if it's setting off alarm bells. If something doesn't feel right, or you experience inexplicable dread when you imagine yourself in the job, pay attention. Your subconscious is probably picking up on danger signs.

Source - Alison Green -

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